Colin van Noordt

Colin van Noordt

Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Colin is a PhD Researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), in Estonia. His thesis focuses on the public value created using Artificial Intelligence technologies within public services and the requirements to do so effectively. In combination with doing his PhD, Colin was working as an External Expert for the AI Watch team of the European Commission, contributing to the research activities on the use of AI within public services. His thesis is set to be defended in December 2023.

Recently, Colin took a position at the Dutch Court of Auditors to research the use of algorithms and cloud services within the Dutch government. Before, he was Program Director for AI at Digital Nation where he led the AI strategy activities and advising on AI capacity building, involvement in several activities regarding the AI4GOV Master, the Dutch government, UNESCO and the European Commission. In addition, Colin was Research Assistant to the InTouch.AI.EU project which aims to promote the EU vision on sustainable and trustworthy AI internationally.

He is a co-author of the influential “AI Watch Artificial Intelligence in public services” report from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the report “Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation Competencies for Civil Servants” by UNESCO and ITU. He is also a co-editor of the upcoming Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence for Public Management published by Edward Elgar Publishing.

His work is internationally recognised and actively used by the European Commission, the European Parliament, UNESCO, the OECD and various European Member States as part of their strategy, policy, research or publications regarding the use of AI in government. Colin is a frequently invited speaker in policy and academic conferences and workshops to provide his insights.

Colin graduated magna cum laude the Master of Science in Public Sector Innovation and eGovernance from the Erasmus Mundus joint programme organised by the University of Leuven, the University of Münster and TalTech. Before he earned a bachelor’s in public administration from the University of Leiden.