November 16 & 17, 2020 | Online 

In collaboration with

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a force for the good, yet it poses many challenges. Policy is a tool to build trust and create a better future for all. This interactive conference was a great start in co-creating and stress-testing new AI governance ideas together with high level business leaders, regulators and academia.


Read AI Policy Conference 2020 Summary Publication


Meet our speakers

Jan Kleijssen

Jan Kleijssen

Director for Information and Action Against Crime, Council of Europe

Miguel Amaral

Miguel Amaral

Senior Economist, OECD, Directorate of Public Governance - Regulatory Policy Division

Gilles Lunzenfichter

Gilles Lunzenfichter

CEO and Co-Founder at Medisanté, Luzern, Switzerland

Dr. Aileen Nielsen

Dr. Aileen Nielsen

Chair, NYC Bar Science and Law Committee & Fellow Law and Tech ETH Zurich

Dr. Sean Khozin

Dr. Sean Khozin

Global Head of Data Science Innovation, Janssen R&D

Dr. Marcel Salathé

Dr. Marcel Salathé

Academic Director EPFL Extension School, Co-founder AIcrowd

Ivana Bartoletti

Ivana Bartoletti

Founder, Women Leading in AI & Technical Director - Privacy, Deloitte, UK

Paul-Olivier Dehaye

Paul-Olivier Dehaye

Founder PersonalData.IO, Hestia.AI and MyData Geneva

Dr. David Weinberger

Dr. David Weinberger

Renowned author and senior researcher at Harvard's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society

Katarzyna Gorgol

Katarzyna Gorgol

Digital Affairs, EU Delegation to UN

Dimitrios Psarrakis

Dimitrios Psarrakis

Technology & Innovation Policy Specialist at the Europen Parliament

Sanja Fabrio

Sanja Fabrio

Co-Founder and Managing Director of RegHorizon

Dr. Ceri Thompson

Dr. Ceri Thompson

Deputy Head of Unit eHealth, Wellbeing and Ageing, European Commission

Dr. Jochen Friedrich

Dr. Jochen Friedrich

Technical Relations Executive, IBM

Robert Madelin

Robert Madelin

Chairman, FIPRA (Ex DG Connect & Ex DG SANCO, EU Commission)

Aldo Podestà

Aldo Podestà


Dr. Elliott Ash

Dr. Elliott Ash

Assistant Professor (Chair of Law, Economics, and Data Science) ETH Zurich

Dr. Joanna Bryson

Dr. Joanna Bryson

Professor of Ethics and Technology, Hertie School of Governance

Dr. Jovan Kurbalija

Dr. Jovan Kurbalija

Executive Director of DiploFoundation and Head of the Geneva Internet Platform

Ayisha Piotti

Ayisha Piotti

Co-Founder & Managing Partner of RegHorizon

Alberto-Giovanni Busetto

Alberto-Giovanni Busetto

Group Head of Data & AI at The Adecco Group

Leila Delarive

Leila Delarive

CEO, Empowerment Foundation

Dr. Prof Philippe Ryvlin

Dr. Prof Philippe Ryvlin

Head of Department of Clinical Neurosciences (DNC) CHUV

Dr. Ekkehard Ernst

Dr. Ekkehard Ernst

President at Geneva Macro Labs & Future of Work and AI specialist at ILO

Dr. Katharina Hoene

Dr. Katharina Hoene

Researcher Diplomacy, International Relations, New Technology, DiploFoundation

David Campos Pavon

David Campos Pavon

eBusiness, Digital and IT General Counsel and Group Data Privacy Officer, Nestle

Luca Brunner

Luca Brunner

Managing Director, Cognitive Valley Foundation

Dr. Gabriel Krummenacher

Dr. Gabriel Krummenacher

Lead of the Data Science Team, Zühlke Group

Ron Chrisley

Ron Chrisley

Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Sussex, UK

Dr. Christian Busch

Dr. Christian Busch

Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation


All times CET (Central European Time)

2:00 – 2:15pm Welcome & Opening: Ayisha Piotti and Sanja Fabrio (RegHorizon)
Prof. Elliott Ash (ETH Zurich)
2:15 – 3:15pm

Panel 1 – Fostering innovation and growth
Moderator:  Dr. Katharina Hoene

Katarzyna Gorgol – European Commission
Dr. Jochen Friedrich – IBM
Dr. Jovan Kurbalija – Diplo Foundation
Aldo Podesta – L2F
Christian Busch – SERI, Swiss Government
Dr. Ron Chrisley – Univeristy of Sussex, UK

3:15 – 3:30pm Coffee Break
3:30 - 4:30pm

Panel 2 – Data Privacy and Consumer Protection
Prof. Elliott Ash

Paul-Olivier Dehaye – PersonalData.IO
Jan Kleijssen – Council of Europe
Dr. Marcel Salathé – EPFL
Miguel Amaral – OECD
Leila Delarive – Empowerment Foundation

4:30 - 4:45pm Coffee Break
4:45 - 5:30pm Key-note Speech
Dr. David Weinberger – Harvard, USA
5:30 - 5:45pm Coffee Break
5:45 - 6:30pm Preview of Academic Papers on AI Governance – Session 1
6:30 - 6:45pm Closing Day 1
7:00 - 8:30pm

Academic Papers Session on AI Governance
Hosted by ETH Zurich – Session 1

Track A - Technical Papers Track B – Business and Regulatory Papers


All times CET (Central European Time)

2:00 – 2:15pm

Welcome & Opening: Elliott Ash (ETH Zurich) and Sanja Fabrio (RegHorizon)

2:15 – 3:15pm

Panel 3 – AI Policy Geo-Harmonization
Moderator: Ayisha Piotti

Eva Kaili – European Parliament
Ivana Bartoletti – Deloitte
Robert Madelin – FIPRA
David Campos – Nestlé

3:15 – 3:30pm

Coffee Break

3:30 - 4:30pm

Panel 4 – AI Policy in Healthcare
Moderator: Sanja Fabrio

Dr. Ceri Thompson – DG CNECT, European Commission
Prof. Dr. Philippe Ryvlin – CHUV (Vaud University Hospital)
Dr. Sean Khozin – Janssen R&D, Johnson & Johnson
Gilles Lunzenfichter – Medisanté
Dr. Gabriel Krummenacher – Zuehlke Group

4:30 - 4:45pm

Coffee Break

4:45 - 5:30pm

Preview of Academic Papers on AI Governance – Session 2

5:30 - 5:45pm

Coffee Break

5:45 - 6:45pm

Panel 5 – Getting Ready: Managing Business Risk and Complexity
Moderator: Dr. Aileen Nielsen

Dr. Ekkehard Ernst – ILO
Dr. Alberto-Giovanni Busetto – Adecco Group
Dr. Joanna Bryson – Hertie School of Governance
Luca Brunner – Cognitive Valley
Dimitrios Psarrakis – European Parliament

6:45 - 7:00pm

Conference Take-Aways & Next Steps

7:00 - 8:30pm

Academic Papers Session on AI Governance
Hosted by ETH Zurich Session 2

Track A – Technical Papers Track B – Business and Regulatory Papers



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