Isabela Ferrari

Isabela Ferrari

Federal Judge & Advisor, Brazil, UNESCO

Judge Isabela Ferrari has been a Brazilian Federal Judge since 2012. She holds a Phd and a Master’s degree with honors in Public Law (UERJ). She was a visiting researcher at Harvard Law (2016/2017). She is a member of the Information for All Working Group on Information Accessibility (UNESCO). She is a Professor at the UNESCO AI and the Rule of Law MOOC for Judges and Judicial operators. She was the 2021 Distinguished Jurist Lecturer for the Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago. Her field of study regards Law and Technology, especially amongst the Judiciary. Her publications include the book Digital Justice (2019) and her thesis, Algorithmic Discrimination within the Judiciary. She is currently a member of the working group created by the Brazilian National Council of Justice to regulate generative AI in the National Judiciary.