Hilary Sutcliffe

Hilary Sutcliffe

Director SocietyInside and TIGTech, UK

Hilary runs London-based not-for-profit SocietyInside. She explores the issues of trust, ethics and values, particularly in relation to policy and governance of innovation (AI, synthetic biology and gene editing, nanotech and neurotech among others.) through collaborative research, exploring trustworthy process design, public speaking, online training, coaching, mentoring and acting as a critical friend to organisations of all types.

She is director of the TIGTech initiative which explores the practicalities of trustworthiness and trust in the governance of technology, was previously co-chair of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Values, Ethics & Innovation and member of its Agile Governance Council.  She was recently named one of the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics for 2021