Lyria Bennett Moses
Director of the UNSW Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation
Lyria is Director of the UNSW Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation and a Professor and Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Law at UNSW Sydney. She is also co-lead of the Law and Policy Theme in the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre and a member of the Standards Australia committee for artificial intelligence standards. Lyria’s research explores issues around the relationship between technology and law, including the types of legal issues that arise as technology changes, how these issues are addressed in Australia and other jurisdictions, and the problems of treating “technology” as an object of regulation. Recently, she has been working on legal issues associated with the use of artificial intelligence, the use of artificial intelligence in courts and tribunals, and the appropriate legal framework for enhancing cyber security. Lyria is a member of the editorial boards for Technology and Regulation, Law, Technology and Humans and Law in Context. She is on the Executive Committee of the Australian Chapter of the IEEE’s Society for the Social Implications of Technology.